Barrette, Paul
Paul Barrette
Semester residences: Université Laval, Ste Foy, Quebec; Camargo Foundation, Cassis, France
Teaching: Instructor, UC Berkeley, Assistant and Assoc. Prof, U of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. Prof, UT, 1970. Semester exchange at the U of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia
Teaching areas: Romance Philology, History of French language, Medieval French, Spanish, Italian literatures, Stylistics, Francophone North America, especially Quebec. Special Courses: Provençal, History of Medieval Spanish Literature, History of French Music and Poetry through the ages.
Publications in those areas, textbooks for early years of French (with Theodore Braun), Style (with Monique Fol, Un certain style ou un style certain Oxford University Press, Un style certain, les mots pour le dire Prentice-Hall) Brunetto Latini, Li Livres dou Tresor (with Spurgeon Baldwin: Text, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies,, Tempe, ; Translation, The Book of the Treasure, Garland Publishing, Inc.) Roman Courtois: Floris et Lyriopé, UC Press. Research especially in medieval vernacular hagiography in verse, Boethus, Consolatio.
Director of MA theses and dissertations at UT in Medieval and Renaissance literature; Pedagogy, Quebec literature.
Languages: French, Spanish, Italian, German, Latin, Greek.
Administrative tasks: many years head of UT Medieval Studies Program. U. of Illinois, director of French Chorale; UT, director of MARCO Madrigals.
Interest in Chamber music. Instrumental in ordering 100 chamber music publications for UT Library.
With colleagues, led students along the pilgrimage routes to Santiago de Compostela and Rome; exploratory trips on road to Jerusalem.
Recipient of the Palmes Académiques.
Educated in New England by the Soeurs de Saint Joseph du Puy-en-Velay and the Soeurs de la Charité (soeurs grises) de Montréal and attended high school in FL. B.A., M.A, U of Miami including semester at the U. of Havana. Fulbright year at the U de Rennes. One year of post-graduate work at UCLA. Ph.D. in Romance Philology, UC Berkeley CA.