Course Offerings
Students who want to receive honors credit for a course in Spanish must fulfill the following conditions:
- complete a writing requirement of a minimum of ten pages in Spanish with five different cited sources;
- demonstrate outstanding class participation;
- In-class oral presentations will be optional and left to the discretion of each faculty member;
- receive a minimum final grade of B+.
Note: only 400-level classes will be accepted for honors credit.
SPAN 111 – Elementary Spanish I (3 Credit Hours)
Language laboratory required.
Grading Restriction: ABC/N grading only.
Credit Restriction: Not available to students eligible for SPAN 150.
Comment(s): For students who have never studied Spanish.
SPAN 112 – Elementary Spanish II (3 Credit Hours)
Language laboratory required.
Grading Restriction: ABC/N grading only.
Credit Restriction: Not available to students eligible for SPAN 150.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 111 with grade of C or better.
SPAN 123 – Intensive Elementary Spanish (6 Credit Hours)
Introduction to Spanish.
Grading Restriction: ABC/N grading only.
Credit Restriction: Not available to students eligible for SPAN 150.
Comment(s): This course is equivalent to SPAN 111 and SPAN 112.
SPAN 150 – Transition to Intermediate Spanish (3 Credit Hours)
This course is designed to prepare students for enrollment in SPAN 211*.
Grading Restriction: ABC/N grading only.
Credit Restriction: For elective credit only. This class will not count toward the College of Arts and Sciences intermediate-level foreign language requirement. Since SPAN 150 is a review of elementary Spanish, students who receive credit in this course may not also receive credit for any other 100-level Spanish course and, therefore, also forfeit the 6 hours of elementary language credit awarded through placement examination.
Recommended Background: At least 2 years of Spanish in high school.
Comment(s): Placement exam required.
SPAN 211 – Intermediate Spanish I (3 Credit Hours)
Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 112 or SPAN 123 or SPAN 150 with grade of C or better or departmental placement exam.
Comment(s): Students who place in 200-level courses from high school will receive 6 hours of elementary Spanish credit.
SPAN 212 – Intermediate Spanish II (3 Credit Hours)
Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 211* or SPAN 217*.
Comment(s): Students who place in 200-level courses from high school will receive 6 hours of elementary Spanish credit.
SPAN 217 – Honors: Intermediate Spanish I (3 Credit Hours)
Honors course for students of superior ability in Spanish. Students follow enriched program with continuing emphasis upon speaking ability and with an introduction to reading literary selections.
Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
Comment(s): Departmental placement test required.
SPAN 218 – Honors: Intermediate Spanish II (3 Credit Hours)
Honors course for students of superior ability in Spanish. Students follow enriched program with continuing emphasis upon speaking ability and with an introduction to reading literary selections.
Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 217. Comment(s): Incoming freshmen are admitted on the basis of a diagnostic test, high school average and performance on the ACT. Students who earn an A or B in SPAN 218 receive credit for SPAN 311.
SPAN 223 – Intensive Intermediate Spanish (6 Credit Hours)
Satisfies General Education Requirement: (CC)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 112 or SPAN 123 or SPAN 150 with grade of C or better or departmental placement exam.
Comment(s): Students who place in 200-level courses from high school will receive 6 hours of elementary Spanish credit. This course is equivalent to SPAN 211* and SPAN 212*.
SPAN 309 – Spanish for Bilinguals (3 Credit Hours)
This course is designed for students who grew up speaking / hearing Spanish at home and wish to develop their academic skills in the language. In this course, students will engage in reading, writing and speaking practice in formal and academic contexts, including the study of relevant grammar topics.
(DE) Prerequisite(s): Placement exam for Spanish bilinguals.
Comment(s): Only open to native Spanish speakers or Spanish/English bilinguals with consent of department.
SPAN 311 – Language in Context I (3 Credit Hours)
This course develops students’ written and oral use of Spanish, through language study as well as exposure to authentic media (for example, movies, articles, stories).
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 212* or SPAN 223* or departmental placement exam (lrc.utk.edu).
Comment(s): SPAN 311 may not be taken after completion of SPAN 312. Not available to native Spanish speakers or Spanish/English bilinguals, who should instead take SPAN 309 with consent of the department.
SPAN 312 – Language in Context II (3 Credit Hours)
Building on knowledge gained in SPAN 311, this course continues development of students’ written and oral use of Spanish, through language study as well as exposure to authentic media (for example, movies, articles, stories).
(RE) Prerequisite(s): A grade of B or better in SPAN 218*, or a C or better in SPAN 311.
Comment(s): Not available to native Spanish speakers or Spanish/English bilinguals, who should instead take SPAN 309 with consent of the department.
SPAN 315 – Spanish Phonetics and Phonology (3 Credit Hours)
Introduction to the sound system of Spanish. Topics include: typical problems in pronunciation for native English speakers, transcription using relevant symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet, various dialects of Spanish, and the physiological articulation and classification of Spanish sounds.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 330 – Textual Analysis (3 Credit Hours)
Introduction to the art of reading and interpreting literary texts and the writing of critical essays, with attention to language structures, literary terminology, theory and concepts such as romance, tragedy, comedy, irony, narrative voice, symbol, metaphor, etc. with application to works such as short stories, one-act plays, essays, and letters. Writing-emphasis course.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 331 – Introduction to Hispanic Culture (3 Credit Hours)
Introduction to the fundamental historical, political, and demographic developments that led to the creation, geographic distribution, and distinctive character of Hispanic cultures with attention to those qualities that distinguish Hispanic culture from other cultures, as well as to ethnic and linguistic components of the Hispanic world in the present day. Writing-emphasis course.
(Same as LAC 331.)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 332 – Survey of Spanish Literature: 1700-Present (3 Credit Hours)
Main writers, trends, stylistic periods, and artistic movements in Spain since 1700 set against a broad background of cultural, socio-political and historical developments. Emphasis on neo-classicism, the romantics, the realists of the 19th century, the Generation of ‘98, the avant-garde of the 1920s and 1930s, social realism, women writers, and contemporary developments. Writing-emphasis course.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 333 – Survey of Spanish-American Literature: 1700-Present (3 Credit Hours)
Main writers, trends, stylistic periods and artistic movements in Spanish America since 1700 set against a broad background of cultural, socio-political and historical developments. Emphasis on neo-classicism, the romantics, modernismo, the avant-garde of the 1920s and 1930s, social realism, magical realism, the Latin American boom, women writers, and contemporary developments. Writing-emphasis course.
(Same as LAC 333.)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 334 – Survey of Hispanic Literatures: Beginnings-1700 (3 Credit Hours)
Main writers, trends, stylistic periods and artistic movements in Spain and Spanish America up to 1700 set against a broad background of cultural, socio-political and historical developments. Writing-emphasis course.
(Same as LAC 334.)
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 346 – Language and Culture of the Hispanic Business World (3 Credit Hours)
Commercial vocabulary, business letters, import-export, marketing. Hispanic social management culture, and the global significance of economic and political developments in Spanish-speaking countries.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 350 – Spanish for Medical & Healthcare Professions (3 Credit Hours)
This is a language for special purposes course that offers a practical approach to meet the ever-increasing needs of medical and other healthcare professions to serve the Hispanic population in the USA and abroad. It will provide the students with a solid foundation in the vocabulary and discourse used in Spanish, as well as cross-cultural awareness when dealing with different types of medical and healthcare scenarios..
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 401 – Cultural Plurality and Institutional Changes in Latin America (3 Credit Hours)
Value systems, behavioral patterns, political parties, role of the military, the church, educational institutions, dictatorship and nationalism. Writing-emphasis course.
(Same as LAC 401.)
Credit Restriction: May not be applied toward the Spanish major.
Recommended Background: 6 hours of course work in Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
SPAN 402 – Latin American and Caribbean Studies Seminar (3 Credit Hours)
Selected topics in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Writing-emphasis course.
(Same as LAC 402.)
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
Credit Restriction: May not be applied toward the Spanish major.
Recommended Background: 6 hours of 300- or 400-level course work in Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
SPAN 410 – Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (3 Credit Hours)
Topics may include first and second language acquisition, phonetics, phonology, syntax, history of the Spanish language, semantics, pragmatics and linguistic variation, among others.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 420 – Applied Linguistics (3 Credit Hours)
Introduction to applied linguistics, with a special emphasis on the theoretical and practical aspects of the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. Fundamental concepts in linguistics within the context of Spanish grammar and their use in the study of second language acquisition, foreign language learning and foreign language teaching. Conducted in Spanish with readings in both English and Spanish.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 422 – Advanced Grammar and Translation (3 Credit Hours)
Structure of the grammatical system of Spanish. In-depth analysis of selected syntactic phenomena with practical illustration/application and exercise in Spanish-English and English-Spanish translation. Emphasis on finer points of grammatical structures. Writing-emphasis course.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312 and three additional Spanish courses chosen from SPAN 315, SPAN 330, SPAN 331, SPAN 332, SPAN 333, SPAN 334, SPAN 346, SPAN 410, SPAN 420, SPAN 423, SPAN 430, SPAN 433, SPAN 434, SPAN 461, SPAN 484, SPAN 489, SPAN 491, SPAN 493, SPAN 494S, SPAN 495S.
Comment(s): Not available to native or bilingual students of Spanish without permission of department.
SPAN 423 – Advanced Composition and Conversation (3 Credit Hours)
Develops writing and speaking skills to the advanced level, covering a wide range of topics and situations and including a variety of in-class and extra-class activities. Writing-emphasis course.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
Comment(s): Not available for credit for students whose level of proficiency in Spanish is superior as defined by the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.
SPAN 425 – Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics (3 Credit Hours)
See FREN 425.)
SPAN 426 – Topics in Linguistics Research Methods (3 Credit Hours)
(Same as FREN 426; GERM 426; LING 426; RUSS 426.)
SPAN 430 – Topics in Hispanic Linguistics (3 Credit Hours)
Introduction to the study of the Spanish language through different areas of linguistics such as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, dialectology, and second language acquisition. Writing-emphasis course.
(Same as LING 431.)
Repeatability: May be repeated with permission of department. Maximum 6 hours.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312.
SPAN 432 – Multilingualism (3 Credit Hours)
This course will offer a panoramic view of bilingualism and multilingualism from a language acquisition perspective. Topics surveyed include myths about bilingualism, early vs. late bilingualism, first vs. second language acquisition, cognitive models of bilingualism, as well as the sociolinguistics and pragmatics of bilingualism, among other topics.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 312.
SPAN 433 – Gender and Sexuality in Hispanic Literature and Culture (3 Credit Hours)
Examines literary texts that address issues of gender & sexuality in the Hispanic world, especially with regard to personal and cultural identities. This course may address the role of sexual minorities in society as well as patriarchy, nationhood, masculinity, and feminist theoretical issues. Writing-emphasis course.
Repeatability: May be repeated with consent of department. Maximum 6 hours.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312, and SPAN 330.
Comment(s): Requires completion of major or minor requirements in SPAN 332, SPAN 333, SPAN 334.
SPAN 434 – Film and Visual Culture in the Hispanic World (3 Credit Hours)
Analysis of recent film and other visual media concerning life, culture, and artistic traditions in the Hispanic world. These artistic productions provide social, historical, political and ideological frameworks to explore the changes that have taken place in contemporary Latin America. Taught in Spanish. Writing-emphasis course.
(Same as CNST 434.)
Repeatability: May be repeated with consent of department. Maximum 6 hours.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312, and SPAN 330.
Comment(s): Requires completion of major or minor requirements in SPAN 332, SPAN 333, SPAN 334.
SPAN 461 – Special Topics (3 Credit Hours)
Focus on some aspect of Hispanic American thought, literature, or culture. Topics vary.
Repeatability: May be repeated with consent of department. Maximum 6 hours.
SPAN 465 – Latin American Film and Culture (3 Credit Hours)
Explores Latin American and Latino/a films and videos from 1900s to present as works of art and in light of political, cultural, and social contexts. Taught in English. Writing-emphasis course.
(Same as CNST 465; LAC 465.)
Contact Hour Distribution: 1 hour lecture, 2 hours screening, and 1 hour discussion.
Credit Restriction: May not be applied toward the Spanish major.
SPAN 484 – Race, Ethnicity, and Nation in Hispanic Literature (3 Credit Hours)
Critical approaches to topics about race, ethnicity, and writing that define Spanish-speaking nations and communities across the globe. This course can include all texts and issues that dialogue with appropriate aspects of the diverse (Hispanic-based) racial and ethnic compositions and distinctions in Latin America, Spain, North America, Africa, and beyond. Also, a Latino Studies course. Writing-emphasis course.
SPAN 489 – Topics in Hispanic Civilization (3 Credit Hours)
Analysis and discussion of major trends, issues and/or movements in the civilizations of Spain and Spanish America. Political, literary, and cultural perspectives dealing with topics from the Middle Ages to the present day may be explored. Writing-emphasis course.
Repeatability: May be repeated with consent of department. Maximum 6 hours.
(RE) Prerequisite(s): SPAN 309 or SPAN 312, and SPAN 330.
SPAN 490 – Internship (1-15 Credit Hours)
Career-related experiences in the United States or abroad.
Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Spanish major/language and world business concentration.
SPAN 491 – Foreign Study (1-15 Credit Hours)
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
SPAN 493 – Independent Study (1-15 Credit Hours)
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
SPAN 494 – Hispanics in the US and Knoxville: Community Service Practicum (3 Credit Hours)
Introduction to U.S. Hispanic culture in general and specifically in Knoxville. Students will read and experience a variety of cultural materials including literature, fine arts, performing arts, and popular culture. Students will read and analyze relevant sociological and Political Texts. Supervised community service with local agencies that assist Hispanic community or supervised activities with local cultural organizations that promote awareness of Hispanic Culture among the general public. Minimum of 30 hours off-campus supervised work and 2 weekly class meetings with faculty.
Comment(s): Requires completion of 18 hours of upper-division Spanish.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
SPAN 494S – Hispanics in the US and Knoxville: Community Service Practicum (3 Credit Hours)
Introduction to U.S. Hispanic culture in general and specifically in Knoxville. Students will read and experience a variety of cultural materials including literature, fine arts, performing arts, and popular culture. Students will read and analyze relevant sociological and Political Texts. Supervised community service with local agencies that assist Hispanic community or supervised activities with local cultural organizations that promote awareness of Hispanic Culture among the general public. Minimum of 30 hours off-campus supervised work and 2 weekly class meetings with faculty.
Comment(s): Requires completion of 18 hours of upper-division Spanish.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.
SPAN 495 – Understanding Culture Through Service in a Hispanic Country (3 Credit Hours)
Students will engage with culture and society via service-learning in a Hispanic country.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
Registration Permission: Consent of Instructor.
SPAN 495S – Understanding Culture Through Service in a Hispanic Country (3 Credit Hours)
Students will engage with culture and society via service-learning in a Hispanic country.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 15 hours.
Registration Permission: Consent of Instructor.