If you wish to be considered for one of the awards, please fill out a self-nomination form (link below) by February 15. If you do not wish to authorize WLC to independently check your transcript for eligibility or if you are not a student in the College of Arts and Sciences, please supply a paper copy of it or a Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) Report with your application.
KIND AWARDS About five to seven scholarships per year are awarded in the name of John Kind, who was a faculty member in the department, and his wife Elsbeth Kind. To qualify, a student must be an undergraduate and pursue either a major or minor in German. A minor consists of a minimum of 18 semester hours of courses in German language and literature or Germanic linguistics numbered above 200. German majors and minors may be declared at mfll.utk.edu. The principal criterion for the award is academic excellence, first in German and then in other disciplines. The award is for the following academic year, and to qualify, one must be at UT as an undergraduate or participating in a UT direct exchange program.
GERTI WUNDERLICH AWARD There is usually one award given each year in the name of Gerti Wunderlich, a former secretary in our department. This award has been given primarily to students who have demonstrated great interest in German in advanced courses. It has traditionally been awarded to help defray the costs of a stay in Germany—either for several weeks in the summer or for a longer period. The award’s general purpose is to help a deserving undergraduate or graduate student, and although good grades are desirable, they are not the most important criterion. Both graduates and undergraduates are eligible.
MARIA HARRIS AWARD The Maria Harris Fund was established in honor of Maria Harris, a long-time instructor in the department. The aid is directed exclusively at students who expect to travel to Germany for the summer or for a longer period of time, and the funds can only be used to defray travel expenses. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. Good academic performance and demonstrated interest in Germany and German culture are the principal criteria for selection.
JOHN C. OSBORNE MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP The John C. Osborne Memorial Fellowship is open to graduate students or advanced under-graduate students to support their studies in German. This fellowship was endowed in memory of Professor John C. Osborne, who helped found the Ph.D. Program in German in the late sixties and whose decades of effort helped build a superb library collection for advanced studies in German.
REINHOLD NORDSIECK AWARD The late Reinhold Nordsieck and his wife, Katherine, established an endowment benefiting students studying German language, literature, civilization and philology. The Nordsieck Scholarship is used for financial assistance to UT students who are enrolled in German courses offered by the Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures (MFLL) department or study abroad in connection with their German studies at UT.