Minor in Hispanic Studies
Minors who study a semester or more abroad must take SPAN 312 prior to studying abroad and at least two additional 300/400-level courses in Spanish at the University of Tennessee (prior to or after studying abroad). Students whose level of proficiency in Spanish is superior as defined by the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines may substitute a 400-level course for SPAN 312 with consent of the department. SPAN 311 and SPAN 312 are not available to native Spanish speakers or Spanish/English bilinguals, who should instead take SPAN 309 and an additional 300/400-level course with consent of the department. Notes: SPAN 401, SPAN 402, and SPAN 465 do not count toward the minor. SPAN 311 may not be taken after completion of SPAN 312.
The minor consists of 18 hours in courses numbered above 300.