We are here to help!
Request an appointment with Doug Canfield
LRC Coordinator
Request an appointment with Shaun Washington
IT Administrator
Reserve a carrell in the Language Assessment Center for testing
The Goldman / Pendleton LRC Awards
The Chad Goldman and Brian Pendleton LRC Awards recognize excellence in an already-completed project involving LRC resources.
Undergraduate Research Award
The Undergraduate Research Award recognizes demonstrated excellence in the innovative use of the LRC and its resources into a research project with a $1500 stipend to one WLC undergraduate student per year. It is awarded in the Spring semester of each year.
Applications must be submitted with a cover letter, CV, and a nomination letter from either a Language Program Director or the LRC Coordinator commenting on the merits of your research project for an LRC Award.
Course Development Awards
The Course Development Awards recognize demonstrated excellence in innovative pedagogical use of LRC space and resources in the academic year with a stipend of up to $1500 to as many as three WLC Graduate Teaching Associates with sole responsibility for a course per year. They are awarded in the Spring semester of each year.
Applications must be submitted with a cover letter, CV, and a nomination letter from either a Language Program Director or the LRC Coordinator commenting on the merits of your teaching project for an LRC Award.
LRC Hours
M–F 8am – 5pm (Fall / Spring)
M–F 9am – 4pm (Summer)
Closed during holidays & study days
After Hours for WLC Faculty
AMB 4, 10, 12, 14, 15, and 17 are available to WLC faculty and instructors after hours with their VolCard. Approved WLC instructors with AMB offices enjoy 24-hour access to these production facilities. Email us to request access.
Location Information
Alumni Memorial Building
(Beside Neyland Stadium)
1408 Middle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-0250