Goldman/Pendleton Grants
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LRC Coordinator
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IT Administrator
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The Goldman / Pendleton LRC Grants
Undergraduate Research Development Grant
The Undergraduate Research Development Grant provides assistance of up to $1000 to one WLC undergraduate student per year in using LRC facilities and/or resources to enhance their research methodology and assist in data collection, analysis, and presentation. It is awarded in the Spring semester of each year (with an occasional award in the Fall Semester) and can be applied to research in the following Summer, Fall, or Spring semesters. Proposals must be submitted with a cover letter, CV, a description of the proposed project, and a project budget.
Graduate Pedagogy Grants
Graduate Pedagogy Grants provide assistance of up to $1000 to as many as three WLC Graduate Teaching Associates per year interested in expanding their teaching practices by redesigning a course or course module for delivery using LRC facilities and/or resources. It is awarded in both the Fall and Spring semesters of each year and can be applied to research in the following Summer, Fall, or Spring semesters. Proposals must be submitted with a cover letter, a CV, a description of the proposed redesign, and a project budget.
LRC Hours
M–F 8am – 5pm (Fall / Spring)
M–F 9am – 4pm (Summer)
Closed during holidays & study days
After Hours for WLC Faculty
AMB 4, 10, 12, 14, 15, and 17 are available to WLC faculty and instructors after hours with their VolCard. Approved WLC instructors with AMB offices enjoy 24-hour access to these production facilities. Email us to request access.
Location Information
Alumni Memorial Building
(Beside Neyland Stadium)
1408 Middle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-0250